Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wonderful Book

Well…it didn’t take me long to finish reading Grete Waitz’s book “Run Your First Marathon: Everything You Need to Know to Reach the Finish Line.” I finished reading it yesterday before we went out for our run. I read it faithfully every day, even if I only got through one chapter, but read it nonetheless.

Definitely a must read for new runners and marathoners. This book gives you pretty much everything you need to know about running your first marathon. A very inspiring book that provides you with great advice, two different training programs depending on your fitness level when you start, and short motivational stories throughout to give you the confidence that you can do this too.

One part of the book that has stuck with me is the use of “power words” or a “mantra,” especially when you start to fatigue throughout a long run or the marathon itself. For example you could say to yourself as you are running, “I’m strong. I’m fit. I’ve trained hard for this. I believe in myself. I know I can do this” (Waitz, 99). According to Waitz, using a mantra helps to distract yourself from the fatigue or discomfort, and allows you to remain positive and finish the run or race (99).

I really enjoyed this book and recommend it to new and future marathon runners. While reading this book I found myself getting more excited about running my first marathon. I think it helped to know and understand that Waitz, herself, even though she is a nine-time NYC marathon winner, didn’t always have a good run during her marathons. It just goes to show that it all depends on how you are feeling that day, the temperature, what you are running on, and the weather.

Definitely worth the money! Great read!

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