Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lots of Reading

I have been doing a lot of reading over the last few weeks, and of course, it is running related. I am definitely addicted to running and cannot ever see myself not running. I already told you about one book that I have read, Grete Waitz’s book “Run Your First Marathon: Everything You Need to Know to Reach the Finish Line.” After I read that book, I went and bought 3 more running books to read. So far, I have finished one of them and I am currently reading the other two.

The first book is a “Women’s Complete Guide to Running” by Jeff and Barbara Galloway.

You can get the book here:

I really enjoyed this book, not only for the tips and information, but also for the inspirational stories throughout the book. Truly amazing!

The second book I got was “How Running Changed My Life: True Stories of the Power of Running” edited by Garth Battista.

You can get this book here:

I am 100 pages into this book and enjoying every minute I spend reading it. The stories are definitely inspiring and illustrate how running can truly change your life, if you give it the chance to do so!

The third book I bought was “Nancy Clark’s Food Guide for Marathoners” by Nancy Clark, MS, RD.

You can get her book here:

I am only about 30 pages into this book, but am finding it to be very helpful. I really need to get reading this book some more, but I am sure that I need to be eating more than I have been. I am continuing to burn more and more calories every day and every week. This book is helping me to know which foods and how much of these foods to consume every day.

I want to learn as much as I can about running. It is definitely changing my life! It can change yours too!

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