Monday, October 25, 2010

Been Way Too Long... (Long Post)

It has been way too long since I have posted a running blog, and I am very sad about that because I was doing so well. Then our training increased, got more intense, and took a lot of our time, so I just kept saying that I would do it tomorrow, and unfortunately tomorrow never came. I am going to try and summarize the last month of our training in this blog. Thankfully, I always posted little blurbs about our runs on when I logged our runs. In case you didn't already know, I love that site and the support is amazing as well. Well, here a quick run down of our last month of training before the marathon:

September 13---5 mile run---The run went pretty good! A little stiff after a rest day yesterday and tough to get going, but we finished well. 9:32:31 the last mile...not a new PR overall, but it might be a new PR for a 5 mile run. Some how we don't seem to run the 5 mile runs any faster. I think this is the fastest we have run 5 miles together! Pace for today's run was 10:31!

September 14---8 mile run---Took it pretty easy with today's run. It was a little warmer out than we thought it was...83 degrees, which is warmer than it had been for our runs. It was tough getting started today, so an 11:04 pace wasn't too bad. Not as fast as we would have liked, but we ran about 5 hours earlier than normal and did not have enough water in before starting our run. Overall, not a bad run!

September 18---18 mile run---Actually felt really good, considering we only got about 5-1/2 hours of sleep. Expected to run it a lot slower than we did and we took 3 one minute walk breaks, which really seemed to help in the later miles. Here are our splits:

Miles 1-5: 57:46:40

Miles 6-10: 56:45:70

Miles 11-15: 55:10:29

Miles 16-17:21:34:63

Mile 18: 9:57:18

New PR---18 miles! :) Overall, pace...11:10!

September 19---2 mile run----Now, I know why we don't normally run the day after a long run. This run was supposed to be 5 miles, since we missed our run on Thursday we were trying to make it up today, but only ended up running 2 miles. :( Disappointed in the run, but felt very tired and my left leg and foot were really hurting so I didn't want to push it and injure myself this close to the marathon. We at least tried to get the miles in, instead of not going at all, would have liked to at least get 3 of the 5, but 2 was all we could do. Better than nothing...I suppose. Even though I was hurting I still gave it my all for those 2 miles and really didn't want to stop, but knew I needed too! Disappointing run today, but hope it will make tomorrow's 5 mile run better! Today's pace...10:57.

September 20---5 mile run---Great run and much better than yesterday's run! We took it pretty easy still though, just to be safe, and still finished with a decent pace...10:47! Nice cool afternoon to run as well. Felt great!

September 23---5 mile run---I actually felt amazing considering I was tired and am starting to get a sore throat. Needed this run though, both mentally and physically. Feel pretty good now! Oh, and it was a hot and humid run this evening, as well as, buggy! Today's pace...10:13!

September 25---20 mile run---Way too hot and humid for the end of September!! Did a slower pace and more walking than I wanted too, but it was just too hot out today for a 20 mile run. I really hope it is cooler for the race. I thought it was fall?! :) I guess not too bad of a pace considering the time included bathroom breaks and walking, since I wanted to see where we would be at for race day. Today's pace...11:51! Oh, and a new PR---20 miles! The farthest either of us has ever run, and will run, until the marathon!

The next few weeks are our taper runs, so the miles get a little shorter, so we are ready for the marathon!

September 28---5 mile run---AMAZING! Our best run YET! So excited!

We ran every mile at a 10:35 or under pace! Here are our splits:

Mile 1: 10:35:43
Mile 2: 10:14:96
Mile 3: 10:27:27---this is the mile with the most hills and what kept us from being under 50 minutes :(
Mile 4: 9:52:59---another sub 10 mile :) Tried to make up some time!
Mile 5: 8:55:83---another sub 9 mile :)

Total 50:06:08 new PR!

Best of all...felt great at this pace! Great weather too...finally! :) Hope it is here to stay. Almost had our first sub 10 minute pace, but we are getting closer and making progress. Today's pace...10:01! :)


October 1---8 mile run---Felt so great to finally get back out there after all this rain we have been having. Nice and cool run. Took it pretty easy today and didn't really push it until the last 2 miles (getting dark), since we have 9 miles tomorrow, and still ended up with a 10:38 pace! Crazy! And we felt slooooow!

Another good run and in nice cool October weather...finally! Hope it stays for the next couple of weeks at least! ;)

October 2---9 mile run---A little tired in the beginning from yesterday's 8 mile run, but pushed through it and finished the last 2 miles in about 20 minutes. So nice running in cooler weather this morning. I actually ran in long sleeves today and wasn't dying in it by the end. A little slower than normal, but not too bad after running 8 miles about 12 hours before this run. Today's pace...11:11!

October 4---3 mile run---I felt really good considering it was cold and rainy here in NY this morning. It was 40 degrees and raining during my run this morning. This is definitely my best run pace ever. I finally got my sub-10 pace, granted it was only for 3 miles, but a sub-10 pace nonetheless, and in the rain and cold! I set out with a goal of running these 3 miles in under 30 minutes because our next goal after the marathon is to run a 5k in under 30 minutes. I am really happy with how well this run went this morning. Nothing like a cold, wet, 3 mile run to wake you up! :) Today's pace...9:15! :)

October 7---3 mile run---A quick (and I can actually say that now...3 months ago I could not), easy, 3 mile run. I wanted to do 5 today, but got home from work later than expected and could only fit in 3 miles before it got dark. Felt amazing, even though I was tired from working the last 2 days, and very happy with the pace! :) Great run on a beautiful day! Loving this weather! Today's pace...9:16! :)

October 8---5 mile run---Great run! Easy run! Took it easy because we have our last long run tomorrow...8 miles...before the BIG DAY! So excited! Another great afternoon for a run. Nice, easy pace, which is weird to say when running a 10 minute mile. Not bad considering when we started marathon training we were running 12 minute miles. All of the hard work is definitely paying off. Today's pace...10:02!

October 9---8 mile run---Feeling really good and ready for the marathon next Saturday! Can't believe it is in one week! Took today's run pretty easy as well, since we don't want to burn out for the big day or get hurt. Better to be safe! We were able to keep a pretty even pace throughout today's run. Here are our spilts for today's run:

Mile 1: 11:16:10
Mile 2: 11:01:63
Mile 3: 10:55:74
Mile 4: 11:01:78
Mile 5: 11:32:63
Mile 6: 11:25:89---and we walked for about 1-1/2 minutes to help prepare for race day.
Mile 7: 11:07:68
Mile 8: 11:03:57

Good run! :) Today's pace...11:10!

October 11---3 mile run---Another easy run. Took it easy on this 3 mile run, since the marathon is in 5 days! :) A little warmer than I would have liked, but still a good run. Very easy week...until Saturday! ;) Today's pace...10:20!

October 12---3 mile run---Feeling better and better everyday I run. Hope Saturday will feel just as good! This was our last 3 mile run before the BIG DAY! Have a 2 mile walk on Thursday and then the marathon Saturday! Wow! October 16th seemed so far away 3 to 4 months ago. Another easy 3 today and not too warm this evening! And a better pace than yesterday! :) Today's pace...9:48!

October 14---2 mile walk---Last 2 miles before the marathon on Saturday! It was hard to only walk, but made ourselves walk knowing that we have 26.2 miles to run on Saturday! :) Got the 2 mile walk in after all this rain finally Feeling great and super excited for Saturday. Picked up our race packets today! Exciting! Today's pace...16:49.

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